Temperature Unit Conversion calculator
Easily convert most of the commonly used Temperature units to another unit at one place. Enter the value of the unit; Select the type of the unit from which to which you want to convert;
Temperature Unit Converter
Celcius: | 0 |
Fahrenheit: | 0 |
Kelvin: | 0 |
List of Temperature units for available for conversion
- Celcius to other Temperature unit
- Fahrenheit to other Temperature unit
- Kelvin to other Temperature unit
Temperature Units
Temperature is related with the kinetic energy of the molecules. The kinetic energy changes when the temperature changes.
Temperature is defined as the translation of heath between two objects.
The basic SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K).
Temperature unit conversion Formulas:
Temperature Unit Conversion | |||
From | To Celcius | To Fahrenheit | To Kelvin |
Celcius(°C) | °C | (°C * 1.8) + 32 | °C + 273.15 |
Fahrenheit(°F) | (°F - 32) / 1.8 | °F | (°F - 32) / 1.8 + 273.15 |
Kelvin(K) | K - 273.15 | (K - 273.15) * 1.8 + 32 | K |
Sample Temperature unit conversion values:
30 degree Celcius (°C) = 86 Fahrenheit (°F)
31 degree Celcius (°C) = 87.8 Fahrenheit (°F)
32 degree Celcius (°C) = 89.6 Fahrenheit (°F)
33 degree Celcius (°C) = 91.4 Fahrenheit (°F)
34 degree Celcius (°C) = 93.2 Fahrenheit (°F)
35 degree Celcius (°C) = 95 Fahrenheit (°F)
36 degree Celcius (°C) = 96.8 Fahrenheit (°F)
37 degree Celcius (°C) = 98.6 Fahrenheit (°F)
38 degree Celcius (°C) = 100.4 Fahrenheit (°F)
39 degree Celcius (°C) = 102.2 Fahrenheit (°F)
40 degree Celcius (°C) = 104 Fahrenheit (°F)
30 degree Celcius (°C) = 303.15 Kelvin (K)
40 degree Celcius (°C) = 313.15 Kelvin (K)
50 degree Celcius (°C) = 323.15 Kelvin (K)
Below are examples of temperatures of various elements:
Kelvin | Celcius | Fahrenheit | |
Absolute Zero | 0 K | –273.15 °C | –459.76 °F |
Boiling point of water | 373.15 K | 100 °C | 212 °F |
Sun's surface | 5778 K | 5504.85 °C | 9940.73 °F |
Mars Surface Average | 210.37 K | -62.7 °C | -81 °F |
Lighting bolt | 28033 K | 27760 °C | 50000 °F |