Unit Conversion calculator
Easily convert most of the commonly used units to another unit at one place. Simply choose which type of unit you would like to convert; Enter the value of the unit; Select the type of the unit; Select to which you want to convert the value.
SI Unit Converters
Square Millimeter: | 0 |
Square Centimeter: | 0 |
Square Meter: | 0 |
Square Inch: | 0 |
Square Foot: | 0 |
Square Yard: | 0 |
Millimeter: | 0 |
Centimeter: | 0 |
Meter: | 0 |
Kilometer: | 0 |
Inch: | 0 |
Feet: | 0 |
Yard: | 0 |
Mile: | 0 |
Grams: | 0 |
Kilograms: | 0 |
Metric tonnes: | 0 |
Short ton: | 0 |
Long ton: | 0 |
Pounds: | 0 |
Ounces: | 0 |
Cubic Centimeter: | 0 |
Cubic Meter: | 0 |
Liter: | 0 |
Cubic Inch: | 0 |
Cubic Foot: | 0 |
US Gallons: | 0 |
Imperial Gallons: | 0 |
US Barrel: | 0 |
Celcius: | 0 |
Fahrenheit: | 0 |
Kelvin: | 0 |
SI Units
The International System of Units (SI), known as the metric system, is the international standard for measurement.
It is the official system of measurement in almost all countries in the world. It comprises of several system of units of measurement having seven units as base units.
The seven base units of SI units are,
Name | Type | Symbol |
second | the unit of time | s |
meter | the unit of length | m |
kilogram | the unit of mass | kg |
ampere | the unit of electric current | A |
kelvin | the unit of Temperature | K |
mole | the amount of substance | mol |
candela | the unit of luminous intensity | cd |
The system has the possibility for unlimited number of additional units which are called as derived units.