Watt/hour to BTU (Wh to BTU) converter

Enter the value in Watt/hour and press the convert button to get the value in BTU.

Wh to BTU



How to convert Watt/hour to BTU?

1 Watt/hour (Wh) is equal to 3412.1416 BTU (BTU).

1 Wh = 3412.1416 BTU

1 BTU (BTU) is equal to 0.00029 Watt/hour (Wh).

1 BTU = 0.00029 Wh

Watt/hour to BTU conversion table:

Below is an example table for Watt/hour (Wh) to BTU (BTU) conversion.

Watt/hour (Wh) BTU (BTU )

See also: