Square Centimeter to Square Millimeter (sq.cm to sq.mm) converter

Enter the value in Square Centimeter and press the convert button to get the value in Square Millimeter.

sq.cm to sq.mm


Square Millimeter (sq.mm): 0

How to convert Square Centimeter to Square Millimeter?

1 Square Centimeter (sq.cm) is equal to 100 Square Millimeter (sq.mm).

1 sq.cm = 100 sq.mm

1 Square Millimeter (sq.mm) is equal to 0.01 Square Centimeter (sq.cm).

1 sq.mm = 0.01 sq.cm

Square Centimeter to Square Millimeter conversion table:

Below is an example table for Square Centimeter(sq.cm) to Square Millimeter(sq.mm) conversion.

Square Centimeter (sq.cm) Square Millimeter (sq.mm)

See also: